Category Archives: Kendra’s Mental Health Central

What Does It Mean To Feel Lost?

Why do we feel lost? Scientifically, I can’t answer that. But emotionally, I at least have an analysis of my own situations to offer.

Feeling lost, to me, has meant being frustrated with a good job, my own house, and my own car. It means trying to fill holes I think I have with needless things: new tech, new games, new adventures.

Feeling lost has meant not knowing why I get up in the morning, or go to bed at a reasonable hour. (Well, usually reasonable.) It has made me wonder if it’s worth answering messages and texts, keeping connections with friends and family.

Feeling lost has been a sense of desire to pack up without a word and leave.

But feeling lost has also been encouragement to learn new skills, find what I really like, and begin restructuring myself around these interests.

I never realized how much I loved to learn until I wasn’t doing it anymore. It took stalling in a profession I genuinely enjoy to convince me to consider other professions, and thereby new educational opportunities.

If I never felt lost, I never would have found airsoft and just how much I enjoy it. I wouldn’t have finally started learning a second language, or really writing for myself with a goal.

Without feeling lost, I never would have started this blog. I would have found the money sink to start it to be too risky. I wouldn’t have started doing paranormal research stuff with my mom. (We’re just doing tours of places at the moment, but I hope to eventually join or start a research team around here.)

If I never felt lost, I wouldn’t have realized that where I’m at is not the limit of where I can be. I can grow past what I thought was my limit. I can learn to draw, I can learn auto mechanics, I can learn languages and physics and music.

I can get in shape and start becoming more badass. I can find a new career, and learn to manage my money. I can take charge of my situation, mental and physical, internal and external, and be in charge of it all.

Feeling lost happens to everyone at some point. You begin questioning what you’re doing with yourself and where you’re going, you get fed up with where you’re at and want to grow.

From what I’ve seen, you have two options: you can let it lead you to burnout or rash decisions, or you can try to focus that energy into making yourself more like the you you thought you would be.

Personas, Presentation, and Choices

I’ve come to a realization.

Why don’t you sound happy about that?

Because I’m not. I don’t like what I’ve realized.

Oh boy. What is it, then?

You’re the one everyone sees.


You’re the one everyone sees. Out and about, cheerful and energetic. You’re the extrovert, not me. I’ve always been an introvert just good at pretending to be an extrovert, but now I see it. In those positions, it’s you in control and people see you. I’m the one there for my fur babies, relaxing at home with a book or a game, but when other people are there… Mostly, it’s you. Shorty, you’re the cool one, the strong one, the one everyone likes. I’m just… Kinda here.

Well… I love to disagree with you in this case, because you’re wrong.

Wha- Bu-

No, no, hear me out. When we’re out and about and extroverted- Good with customers, good on the phone, smiling and cheerful, initiating conversations… Yeah, that’s me showing. But when we’re alone, and quiet, and have no energy? When we struggle to so much as eat dinner or shower? That’s more… We’ll name that one Exaviour.

Like… One of your old enemies?


Okay, but if you’re my outgoing and positive self, and Exaviour is me the rest of the time… Where exactly do I fit in?

Well, you’re both of us. We’re the way you present yourself, but you are both of us in some way or another. I mean… You have the capability to be me, or I wouldn’t be a presentation you show. Likewise, you have the capability to be Exaviour, to be basically a withdrawn couch potato. But which one you ultimately, truly are is up to you. You can be capable, successful, and couragous. You can be withdrawn, doubtful, and alone. You choose, simply by the choices you make. When you make choices that put you in positions where I present, then you start skewing more towards me. When you cancel plans and allow yourself time for Exaviour to rule, you begin to slide towards him.

So… What you’re saying is, I’m allowing myself to be a loser and a loner? I’m not trying hard enough?

No. What I’m saying is, there is a part of you that enjoys that, and a part of you that does not. Regardless if I present or not, you are still an introvert and get tired from being social. Your battery, as you see it, drains. You allow Exaviour out in an attempt to recharge. There’s nothing wrong with that! Everyone needs down time. But, when you’re recharged, you can still choose to continue charging. Have you noticed that you get tired of social things faster the more you’ve been alone?


Much like a phone battery, over-charging can damage your battery life. Likewise, letting your battery be too low for too long can cause you problems. There’s a balance, but you decide what that balance is, and if you’d prefer to balance towards me or Exaviour. Even when you’re alone, you can still balance towards me by doing just one thing at a time that you know you need to, but don’t want to. Washing dishes. Mopping. Laundry. It doesn’t have to be hard, just something to get you doing something more Shorty-like and less Exaviour-like.

So… I’m both my good, public side and my not-so-great private side, but I can skew more toward my public persona by just making one or two choices at a time?


That’s some real self-help bullshit if I’ve ever heard it. But damn, you’re right. I mean, look at the Exaviour part of me that says I’ll never finish any projects? It gets quieter the closer I get to completing Taking Back The Kingdom, the more I work on my new project. They aren’t finished yet, the new project not even close, but the closer I get… The more I prove that I can do it, if I just allow myself. Admittedly, Taking Back The Kingdom won’t be finished finished with the final chapter being posted.

No, because it’s 100% all first drafts. If you ever decide to publish it as an actual book, you’ll need to flesh it out more, revise, proofread… What have you. But, you’ll have gotten to a true stopping point with the story. I say, once you finish that, pick another project on the site and work on. Because if you do, you give Exaviour less room to work with. And when you get home from work tomorrow, since you get home just in time to shower and sleep tonight?

Um… Dishes?

Sounds like a plan. See, we’re taking the steps needed to shift you more towards me and less towards Exaviour.

The Benefits of Writing

I’ve been writing various things for quite some time. The first experience I had with writing stories, at least that made me love writing, was in third grade. We started to do short story writing, and I have a vague memory of some sort of writing club in my class.

Naturally, my stories were childhood goofiness and unrefined at that point. That didn’t matter to me, as it was the act of writing that made me happy. Even the act of sharing the story wasn’t as important, though it was fun.

No, the creation of adventure, a new world, and new friends was the point. My passion for writing went right along with my love of reading. No matter what was going on around me, regardless of how people around me behaved, I could escape at any time into a new world.

These feelings hit home in September of that year. The 11th, specifically. I remember vividly, being gathered in one classroom to watch the news on the smartboard. Most of us didn’t completely understand what was happening, until our teachers explained: The nation was under attack.

That day, the world began to become scary. The scarier the world, the more I would read or dabble at writing. I could escape into books or onto a page, and I could decide just how scary things would get when I wrote.

I’ve learned more about myself by writing than I think I ever could have without it. I’ve learned that I cope with stress by escaping until I can truly comprehend what I think and feel about something. Often, I cope with grief through tears and then a brief escape, and escape that reminds me of who or what I’ve lost.

But I’ve also learned that I can step back and consider more sides than just my own. I can treat all sides of an argument as equal, particularly when the situation is one of subjectivity. The skill of thinking like another came to me sometime in middle or high school, both when reading or writing.

Today, I have a lot that I’ve gained from writing. Shorty Scorch, my “cohort” for this blog, was created sometime in middle school or late elementary. She’s evolved and grown much as I have, to the point that she’s the rational voice in my head.

Shorty was created to be what I hoped to be when I was grown up. She was powerful, a ninja, and a hero. Shorty was cool, and smart.

I originally based Shorty off ninja I saw on TV, specifically Naruto. She, like the title character, harbored a demon because that was cool and heroic, battling demons. She was both beloved and an outcast. Basically, she was me and Naruto combined. I wasn’t a very creative child.

As I’ve grown, however, so has she. Her latest iterations separate her from the world of Naruto. She’s a warrior, though not necessarily a ninja, and she no longer has to have a demon. Her personality has matured, regardless of what age she appears as.

Inversely, as Shorty has grown, so have I. As she matures, so, too, do I. The situations she is in makes me stop and consider what would happen in each outcome of the situation. Should she react with force, what could happen? What if she were to talk her way out of things? Should she show compassion, or indifference? Hostility? If she dislikes someone on first contact, why? What has set her off so? How does she respond if she finds she is wrong about a person? Does she own up to her mistakes, as she makes them?

All of these questions can be applied to me. Indeed, they can be applied to us all. Such things are hard to do in the moment, but can be useful in retrospect and in a quiet moment to consider yourself. The other part of her character, at least originally, that can apply to us all: The demon.

Shorty had her demon for many years. I was around 7 or 8 when I first created her, yet the demon only began to disappear around 20 years later. The demon only began to disappear when I realized what it truly represented.

The demon, a fire cat creature by the name of Linio, was a subconscious way for me to show that Shorty had problems. She had her own struggles that others would and could never understand. Others might have similar problems, a demon of their own for example, but they did not suffer in the same way she did. Likewise, she did not suffer the same way they did. At some point, Shorty always came to terms with her demon, striking a deal which kept her family safe, and yet let the demon do some damage in combat.

Linio was a representation of so many things. Physical and mental illness, a person’s surrounding condition, a struggle with where to go from here… And the list goes on.

And as the writing for Shorty grew, I realized I was specifically reflecting my demons onto Linio: Depression and anxiety. Linio could be a debilitating issue for Shorty, causing her to lose control or be unable to do anything. Yet, dealing with Linio caused Shorty to grow. She learned to use her issue to her advantage, in a literal sense.

I have learned much the same with my depression. I write on this blog to entertain, to educate, and with the hope that I help someone in a way that various media and creators have helped me. I hope to inspire others to create, in their own way. You don’t have to be good at it, so long as you enjoy it.

I like to write, as an escape and a way to have control when I feel I have none. I doodle as a way to help clear my mind, or just keep my hands busy when I’m thinking. And if you’ve seen the new logo for the blog, you’ll know I’m no hand at art or design. You may even feel that I’m no hand at writing, and that’s your opinion to have.

But I am happy. I am learning, about myself and the world around me. And I am finding my way to attempt to aid others, with articles like this. Writing can teach you so much, about yourself and the world around you. Or, it can help you get your feelings out, so that you learn your mind better and can control it better. I hope this long, rambling article can help show you that, and inspire you to take up a creative hobby.

Soundtracking My Year – The Not As Happy Edition

This was actually written in February, but life got busy and I never did finish it. So, here it is! All that was really missing was links to the songs, so sorry for the wait! Another new song has been added as well, and the post will go up shortly.

February is a tough month. My grandmother died in February, a few years ago now. It hasn’t gotten easier.

There are a few things that remind me of her. Her favorite clock, hung in my living room despite being partly melted, is my favorite reminder. It was hung by the chimney of a wood stove, and over the years, the frame warped. She still works, though her timing is off and her chime is hit and miss.

My grandmother loved birds, particularly owls. And this clock would chime with a different owl every hour until dark. Now, it doesn’t always chime the hour. It went silent for a month or two, before starting back up on the 12th of this month. A couple days before the anniversary of my grandmother passing.

On the anniversary of her passing, a song that hadn’t popped onto my playlist (of over 300 songs currently) came on again.

It was one of the songs that makes me think of my grandmother: Gone Away by The Offspring.

This song makes me cry on a good day. The past few days, even thinking about it has made me nearly break down on tears. I feel that a song that influences me so much when it comes on deserves a spot of commemoration on the Soundtrack.

But this update isn’t all sad. I have two happier songs, at least for me, which are going on the list.

Both are from my teen years, and were brought back to my memory while I looked for an old notebook of mine. I didn’t find what I was looking for, but I did find an old notebook my cousin and I shared and wrote stories in together.

This led me to have a true, long conversation with her for the first time in a while. We reminisced about our teen years, and the summers we spent together.

While we talked, I looked up songs I hadn’t even thought of since high school. There were a number of them, and the first I even considered finding was Redemption by Gackt, a song from the video game Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus for the PS2.

Melody, the cousin, and I were big fans of Vincent Valentine, the main character of the game. We were also fans of Gackt, though she more so than me.

When I pulled up Redemption and heard those first few beats, it hit hard. The song was still amazing! As the first couple lines (in Japanese) came on, it hit again. It felt amazing, listening to this blast from the past and talking with Melody.

For this reason, to commemorate a good, long talk with family, Redemption makes the list.

Similarly, Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone is commemorative of returning to past interests.

Now, this is a song that needs no introduction. It was one of the first viral sensations I can remember from growing up, and it’s upbeat and catchy as hell!

I prefer the original to the English version, myself, so that is the one I’m putting on the Soundtrack. I used to listen to this song all the time, just enjoying the bounciness and upbeat nature of the sound.

And the music video is fun and memorable too, so that doesn’t hurt.

What do you think of these three new additions? How do you feel about my reasoning for them? Had you heard of Gackt before this post?

What songs would you put in your soundtrack for this year, and why?

Feel free to answer in a comment below! I would love to hear from you all!

Until next time!

Soundtracking My Year

Normally, I leave the media stuff to Shorty. She is planning a few new media posts out at the moment, but things have been pretty hectic and busy for both of us.

But today’s post crosses the line from Media to Mental Health, which is distinctly my court. Shorty will probably make a few smart alec comments later, but for now the floor is mine!

So, I’ve been listening to a lot of music rece…. The last few… Oh, okay, my whole life. I love a good song! Heck, I love a bad song if it’s catchy enough. But what I love most are songs that really hit home how I feel, how I want to feel, or how my thoughts and feelings have changed.

To this end, I’ve started thinking about Soundtracking My Year. Yes, I’m titling something that: A YouTube Music Playlist that I’m going to be sharing here.

So, what do I mean by soundtracking my year? Well, my likes Playlist alone on YT Music (JUST YT Music) is at least 300 songs that, yes, I do often get all the way through skipping minimal songs. And those songs are different from my Spotify likes, and probably are different still between my original YT Music account and the one that followed my from Google Play Music when that shut down.

Amongst those many, many songs, there are definitely some that define how I feel about myself, my life, and the world in general. So I decided to start this little soundtrack for 2021, and add to it as the year progresses. We’ll see if I actually remember to or not, but I’ve already got a couple songs ready for it!

When I add a song, I’m going to try to do a post and explain why it’s been added to the playlist. I don’t have a goal for how many songs will be in this playlist, just whatever feels right.

So, to start us off, let me explain an honorable mention: “I May Fall” by Jeff Williams, featuring Casey Lee Williams, from the Rooster Teeth anime RWBY.

These first few songs will have the theme of… Well, they’re all from RWBY, and therefore Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams. I really don’t care, they work for exactly what I want.

Now, the reason “I May Fall” doesn’t quite make the cut is… Well, it’s more about how I felt about my depression for the last part of 2020. So, just shy of the 2021 starting point. But it does really communicate how I felt about my depression around then: I may fall to something at some point, but damn it, I won’t let it be here, and I won’t let it be depression.

For the tail end of 2020, I was really mentalling through my depression and reinforcing my love for myself. There was a brief period where I was unable to get my medication, but I managed a-okay for that time frame. (I do NOT condone dropping your depression meds without consulting your doctor! I had extenuating circumstances that had me off mine, it was not just a desire to stop taking them or anything. Stopping them without talking to your doctor can cause major side effects and complications. Always talk to your doctor before you stop taking a medication.)

On to the first true entry on our playlist: “Armed and Ready” by Jeff Williams, featuring Casey Lee Williams, from the Rooster Teeth anime RWBY.

“Armed and Ready” is a pretty good depiction of how I feel about my transition from depression ruling my life to how I feel now: Ready to face life and whatever comes at me. I feel stronger and more confident every day. Granted, it’s not a perfect fit for me, because I feel like this song just works better on a level of overcoming trama or tragedy… But it’s my playlist and I make the rules! So that’s song one.

Our second song is actually currently just a nominee, but I wanted to explain my thoughts on why I’m considering it. And if I decide my thoughts sound like a dying chicken, then this one probably won’t make the cut for right now. The song: “I Burn” by Jeff Williams, featuring Casey Lee Williams, from the Rooster Teeth anime RWBY.

The reason I’m considering this is because, well… It’s how I feel about myself right now and anything or anyone that wants to cross me: Awww, look at you! You think you can take me down right now! Bless your heart! (If you didn’t know I was a Southern Gal, now you do.)

That’s really exactly what I get from this song. A girl on top of her world, and nothing can take her from that spot. Now, if you watch the trailer for the character this song goes with, you’ll find that a lot of the lines are… Far more literal than my interpretation. Doesn’t matter, art is like that and music is art.

Basically, yeah, these songs both just show that I really feel mentally strong and unstoppable right now. I feel like I can get things done this year, and, while I’m not one for New Years resolutions, I think I will.

I’ll explain what has me feeling so unstoppable, other than good family, an amazing boyfriend, and a best friend I could never replace, in another post. For now, this is the important part for this post.

What would you start your 2021 soundtrack with? What do you think of my choices? Let me know in the comments of this post, and feel free to check out my public 2021 soundtrack playlist here.

Dreams, and How You Get in Your Own Way

I’ve been thinking a lot about dreams lately. Both kinds, in case you’re wondering (my family has some bizarre things going on with dreams) but today I want to talk about dreams as in ambitions, or where you want to go in life.

I feel it’s important to have a life goal, a burning ambition. A dream. Having a dream gives you something to work toward and weigh your choices against.

Now, I do want to distinguish between a dream, and a goal. A goal is just that, a goal to reach. A point to get to to determine success. It can be a dream, super long-term endpoint. But not all goals are dreams. Some are unrelated to a dream, and some break down how to reach a dream or another, larger goal.

Dreams, however, at least how I think of them, are what you want to be or achieve in life. Sometimes they’re 100% impossible to reach, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Wanting to be a chivalrous knight in Medieval Europe is a fine dream, even if unlikely to become reality, because you can still guide your choices and behavior by it.

Now, I have a couple dreams, but the one we’ll use for discussion today is my dream to someday be fluent, or at least decent, at many languages. Yeah, I want to be a polyglot so bad it hurts sometimes. Yes, I am a nerd, thanks for asking.

Now this particular dream has become enlarged recently as I realized one of my gaming friends is one. (If you’re reading this, you know who you are, and you rock.) They gave me some advice about language learning, as I have admittedly been struggling.

It’s not that I find it that difficult- I’m finding i understand Japanese language anime better than I ever expected, and I’ve been pretty lazy about those lessons.

No, the real issues here are two-fold. (Or three, depending how you count it.) First, there is self doubt and negative self talk. But on the other end of the spectrum, there is overeagerness and overconfidence.

Let’s talk about that negative side first, as it’s what most people are going to understand all too well. Everyone has a negative voice in their head. What differs is what the voice sounds like, in terms of word choice or if you can actually give it a sound of sorts, and how loud or hard to ignore it is.

My negative voice has a name, just like my positive/mentor voice does. You’ve all met Shorty, and that’s how she came about. Well, I chose an enemy of hers from her early stories as the negative voice. I’ll explain why I named them later, but her name is Danielle. (Apologies to any Danielles reading- I have never met a Danielle I didn’t get along with, but that’s the name I came up with at 7ish. She becomes a good guy in later versions of Shorty’s story!)

Now, Danielle is a bit loud at times in my head, telling me how stupid I sound practicing new languages, or that what is the point because it’s never going to be useful? At those times, it’s easy to become discouraged and want to give up. It’s easier the louder the voice is, or if people in the real world are echoing your nega-voice. (That probably sounds dumb, but I like it and I’m keeping it for this and a future post.)

The important thing is to find a way to combat this. For me, it’s either a fight between Shorty and Danielle, or I reinforce how quickly I’ve improved. In the case of Japanese, I put on a subbed anime and listen to the words, checking myself against the subs. When I realize I’m understanding more than I thought I would, even after a break in practice, it really defeats the nega-voice.

For you and your dream, your method may vary, but finding one is key. You need a way to subdue that nega-voice and get back to crushing it! Easier said than done, I know, but it’s that or give up entirely.

As for that second issue… not everyone will have it. Not everyone will have bouts of getting too much going at once. I sure have, though!

I’ve currently got about four or five languages started. That’s too much to do at once, anyone would agree to that. Naturally, this makes is easy to get overwhelmed and decide it’s too hard to continue.

This is where my polyglot friend kept me grounded and set me back on the right path. They told me to pick one language and stick with it until I feel comfortable with it, and even helped me narrow it down. (I decided on German for now. We’ll see how long it takes!)

Now, I’m going to apply some lessons from my friends at Nerd Fitness to help me achieve my dream of being a polyglot. I’m going to, this weekend sometime, sit down and break my current objective, learning German, down into easy to manage steps. They’ll be quantifiable too, so I can say objectively whether I completed it or not. You can find the advice I’m referencing here.

For future reference, yes, I will occasionally reference Nerd Fitness. They’ve taught me a lot and I’m a loving member of the rebellion. (Even if I can’t afford the programs I want to do right now. But I’ll discuss that later, I think.)

Now, back to dreams. I think everyone should have a dream. Do you dream to become president? Start by making yourself into the kind of person you want to see running the country. Want to learn martial arts? Even if you can’t afford classes, start looking into options, and start doing some basic exercises in the meantime. Want to own your own home and be debt free? Yeah, that counts as a dream! Start by taking a look at your finances and deciding how to start that journey. I’m not good with money, so I can’t give more than that for that goal.

The point is, you can use your dreams to reach your dreams. Look at that dream and decide what you can do today to get you even a step, even a millimeter closer to the person in that dream. Don’t run too fast, and don’t let your nega-voice get the best of you. If you never achieve your dream, you’ll at least have done something to make yourself more like the you that you dreamed of, and isn’t that a reward in and of itself?

Why A Relatively Successful Woman Can Feel Like A Failure

I am a relatively successful woman. I bought my first brand new car without help, minus making sure it was a decent deal, and I needed no cosigner for my house.

I graduated tech school and immediately found work, and I make friends easily. I excel at most things I attempt. This isn’t bragging, it’s explanation for why people consider me relatively successful.

Then again, I feel like a complete failure and loser.

I never feel like I’m living up to what my mother wants for me, but when I try to do things her way, I feel empty and like a lie. When I do what I want, or try to, I feel like everyone is just waiting for me to fail, or I can’t afford it, or I can’t prioritize it.

I want to be a writer. I feel like I’m decent at writing. But I get demotivated because I get little support. I want to learn new languages, and I am making progress on Japanese and Spanish. But then, a lot of people think I’m stupid or it’s a waste of time.

Playing piano or drums or guitar- too expensive and time consuming. Learning to smith? I would love to be a blacksmith, but when I tell people, I hear how a girl isn’t strong enough to be a real smith. I would clearly only want to do delicate stuff because it wouldn’t be as hard.

My biggest dream? To be a modern day ninja, in terms of skills. Classes for the skills I want to hone are too far away or too expensive. People scoff at me, because that’s such a childish dream. Why don’t I work on something more productive and serious?

But the biggest reason I feel like a failure… I want to be a good girlfriend, but I am scared. I am scared I am going to screw everything up, or not be enough, or be too pushy. Or, that I’ll just be used again.

My previous attempt at a relationship, before my current boyfriend, was… bad. He just wanted a good time, and when I pushed for a relationship, he split. I found out later that he’d been married at the time. Now, I’m afraid to fall for the same trap.

Though, I’ve never enjoyed being very physical in a relationship. Sex is okay, on occasion, but my first sexual relationship started to feel like that was all that mattered. Every time we got together, that was all we did. Between that, and being used… I don’t want sex. But I’ve never been a big cuddler. Never been a big kisser. Hugs, occasionally, sure, but… that’s about it. Most men want some form of non-verbal evidence of attraction, but… I just can’t provide that.

So, I feel like a failure. A failure who really needs therapy. But, being on a temp contract, I have no insurance and very little money.

Therapy is expensive, y’all. Even the “cheap” therapy places I see advertised are expensive. I need to get back to therapy, I think it would help a lot. But I cannot afford it. Even with insurance, not sure I could afford it.

So, I’ll muddle through. Pretending I’m not dying inside, trying to balance my true self against what everyone else wants me to be. Trying to be the girlfriend my boyfriend needs, even though I know it’s not comfortable for me.

But, I know that out there, others are handling the same things. And if they find me, they’ll give me a hand up. I would do the same for them. There’s help somewhere, affordable help, I just have to find it.


For most of my life, I’ve been known as a cheerful, hyper, random kind of girl. A lot of people I talk to classify me as a people person, and one to cheer others up when they need it. In school, I was goofy and full of energy.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that a lot of that is a mask. I’m really not as cheerful as I seem, and being around people for very long is extremely draining for me. And while I love to help others and make them feel great, I hate to ask for help.

I love to feel needed, and hate to feel needy. Spending time with people is draining, but seeing people around me happy is the best feeling in the world.

These feelings boiled down to one simple truth for me, when I was younger: I could not, under any circumstances, let others know that I wasn’t as strong, mature, and relaxed as I seemed.

My coping strategies, when I was younger, was to just act more cheerful and energetic around people, then escape into books and video games when I was alone. Writing became something of a savior to me, as it gave me the chance to live out my fantasies through whatever characters I created.

The character that ended up helping save my life, though, has since become one of my best friends: Shorty Scorch.

I originally made Shorty when I was a younger kid on the Neopets forums. She was based on this awesome new anime that I saw and absolutely loved, Naruto. She was a badass, a ninja, and harbored a demon. I know, cliche, but I was, like, 7 to 10. Sue me.

Since then, however, Shorty has grown and evolved just like a real person. I feel like she’s no longer just some vague character, but a part of me. So much so that she occasionally gets to step out and say her bit, here on the blog.

This might just seem like a long personal history and backstory, but it’s not. See, as I got older, Shorty Scorch became more and more a part of me. I talk to her in my mind when I need someone to discuss things with. She’s always calm and reasonable, and motherly. Admittedly, that description sounds a lot like a mental illness, but it’s not. Shorty isn’t a separate personality or something, and I’m always in control of my own body and emotions. She’s just a way for me to help verbalize/conceptualize some of my behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.

But, in the end, as much status as I give her, Shorty is still one thing: A mask. Everything else above I described? All of it is the same: Masks. Layers and layers of masks, to hide my pain or weakness.

Now, here’s the thing about masks: Everyone has one. No one is without some sort of cover for some kind of situation. Some masks are more developed than others, like Shorty is for me. Other masks are pretty easy to see through. But they’re all masks, ways to hide or cover ourselves.

What a person needs to know is when to remove the mask, or at least pull it enough away to get help. Mental health is important, and wearing an “I’m a perfectly normal human” mask when you’re struggling with dark thoughts, self-harm, or other signs of mental illness is just the same as wearing long sleeves to hide bruises. Some people will realize what you’re doing pretty quickly, others will take time, and some will never get it.

If you’re struggling, if you need someone to help you and don’t know how, please… Just take off the mask. It only needs to be for a short time, long enough to talk to a professional, or even just someone that cares and will help you get with a professional. Don’t hide behind your own Shorty, or cheerful and hyper side, or cool and aloof side- Whatever mask you wear, remember that it only hinders you when you need help.

I know it’s hard. Believe me, I still struggle with it on a daily basis. But a few minutes can be all it takes to get you back on a healthy track.

Feel free to reach out to me from the Contact page if you need a friendly ear, and please, stay on top of your mental health.

Why It’s Okay To Not Be Okay

Some people who know me might not know this, but I live with depression. I was diagnosed in high school, after I went to the school counselor with suicidal thoughts. After some medication, I recovered and was back to normal.

At least, for a while. Now, I’m on medication again and have been for a couple years. Probably will be for the foreseeable future. But there was a difference this time: I wasn’t afraid to ask for help.

See, when I had my first bout of depression, I was afraid to speak up. What would my parents think? Would Mom blame herself?

“She’s always been a great mom, I don’t want to hurt her. I just have to keep being the perfectly normal kid and everything will be okay. No one has to know something’s wrong with me.”

But there wasn’t anything wrong with me, I was just ill. Desperately so, in fact. By the time I got help, I was scared of myself, and no one should ever be in a state like that. No one should ever be afraid to ask for help when they’re struggling.

It’s okay not to be okay, just like it’s okay to have a cold or the flu. That’s all mental illness is, another sickness. Something that needs attention and treatment. If you get the flu or an infection, you go to the doctor. If you aren’t feeling right in your mind, you should see someone about that, too.

I know it can be scary and intimidating- trust me, I’ve been there. But the scarier thing is knowing that one day, your loved ones could be faced with something happening to you because no one knew you needed help. Because that’s what’s terrifying about mental illnesses- they can be invisible.

My worst days of depression are highlighted by my best laughs and biggest smiles, when people are looking. Despite knowing I can ask for help, I still hide behind a mask. The people I ask for help are few and far between, but they’re always within reach. However, I still have to remind myself that I can talk to those people on those bad days.

If you are having those bad days and feel like you have no one to talk to, please, find the local hotline for your issue and call it. Or drop me a line on the Contact page and I’ll do my best to talk it out with you. I’m not any sort of licensed professional, but I care about you. All of you, everyone reading this, are worthy of my love and care, and you’re worthy of feeling okay. But if you’re not okay right now, that’s okay.

People are here for you.